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You beautiful soul, 
I’m Loa, I’m originally from Cologne, Germany and I’m about
to become a mother.
I fell in love with the devotional way of Bali
and I’ve called it my home since 5 years. 

When the medicine of the breath found me, my life
changed forever. 
I felt the calling to learn everything about this ancient breathing technique and devoted my energy and time to not only study the science and spirit of breathwork but truly
to embody it. 
That meant giving up my successful online business and learning
the art of spaceholding and sitting in ceremony. 

Through teaching many breathwork and spaceholding trainings
I had the honor to witness hundreds of humans experiencing
deep healing and sustainable transformation. 

My prayer for the world is that every single human can experience the power and liberation of ceremonial breathwork. 

But do you know what makes Ceremonial Breathwork
truly so special?
It is the intimacy within the container that allows you to truly
be seen and heard.
And for your soul to be expressed. 

I can’t wait to see you in our next Breathwork Training
in Bali Feb 2025. 



My name is Braedy Mac. 

I am a Canadian living in Bali. 
A few years ago I opened up the first clinical breathwork center
in Vancouver. 
My teachings are based on combining western neuroscience
with ancient yogic philosophy. 

After years of supporting clients as a nervous syzstem specialist
and teaching breathwork trainings around the world with a very clinical approach I realized something was missing. 


And this is why my wife and I created ceremonial breathwork. 

Back then, I used to overwork a lot and was on the edge of burning out several times. 
Now I know there is a different way. 

A way of ceremony in every aspect of my life. 

In all of my relationships from my work to my family
to my environment. 
And myself. 

If you’re curious to learn about Ceremonial Breathwork I look forward to see you in our next Breathwork Training Feb 2025. 

With love 



» learn about the biology and neuroscience of breath

» learn the art of hosting ceremonies

» use bodywork in a trauma informed and intuitive way

» learn how to work with the subconscious mind and the wisdom of the body

» create spaces where humans experience profound healing and sustainable transformation

» realign to your own hearts deepest truth

» deepen your own embodiment and liberate your soul

We are more than excited to open the doors for our 6 weeks Practitioner Training here in Bali in February 2025.

We are honored to teach you how to create
safe and responsible containers and how to practice
and be of service to one of the most powerful
healing modalities in the world.

If you feel called to join one of our
breathwork trainings, please fill out this form
and we will come back to you.



3rd trimester bliss moments ~ 🦋🤍
so soon you are with us. 🥹
#37weekspregnant #balilife
my favorite way to start the day 🤤

and in a few weeks we are 3.. 🥹🤰🏼
looking back on our journey.. 
what we needed to let go to arrive here. 
how we truly created such an incredible family culture. 

being pregnant with you was and is an experience full of support, joy, ceremony, deep understanding and care. I always dreamed about this. feeling healthy and vibrant, seen and supported during all stages of my pregnancy… 

and again you show me what’s possible. 
love can be so easy. 

creating family with you is my deepest honor. 
carrying our child and preparing for birth in a few weeks is pure devotion. 

to you.
to us.
to our family.
to our future. 

thank you for being my man.
thank you for choosing me. 
thank you for leading in integrity and from the heart. 

I love love lovvvvve you. ♥️
the medicine of your breath. 
the last live online workshop with me before I am taking a break to enjoy my last weeks of pregnancy fully and prepare for birth. 
this workshop is in german as it got requested from you sooo many times. and there is a recording so you can do the workshop whenever you’d like. 
some words in german to the workshop: 

Hinter jeder Emotion steckt ein Atemmuster.
Hinter jeder Krankheit steckt ein Atemmuster. 

Jede Panik- oder Angstattacke kann geheilt werden, wenn wir Wissen und Bewusstsein anwenden können. 

Was es dafür braucht und wie unser Atem unsere Medizin sein kann, erkläre ich dir in diesem Workshop. 

Bei ‘the medicine of your breath’ lernst du: 

> Was es wirklich bedeutet sein Nervensystem zu regulieren und warum eine Meditation und ein ‘gesunder Lifestyle’ nicht genug sind
> Wie wir Blockaden in unserem System durch unsere Atmung lösen können und dadurch heilen 
> Was es mit dem Breathwork Hype auf sich hat und welche Informationen wirklich wichtig sind
> anwendbare Tools, die du für den Rest deines Lebens in stressigen Situation und intensiven Phasen anwenden kannst 
> wie wir die Chakra-Lehre mit unserer Atmung verbinden können und dadurch wertvolle Erkenntnisse über uns selbst gewinnen und Heilung auf emotionaler, energetischer und körperlicher Ebene erfahren 
Du kannst dich anmelden unter dem Link in meinem Profil oder auf meiner Webseite 🪶🤍 

Ich freue mich unglaublich auf diesen Raum mit euch 🤍

In Liebe 

#breathworkworkshop #themedicineofbreath
have you listened to my new podcast episode about slowing down and the beauty of simplicity? 
search for ‘in devotion to truth with loa' on spotify or apple podcast and tune in. 🎙️🐚
have you listened to my new podcast episode about my pregnancy already? 🎙️🐚

in this episode I talk about my pregnancy in bali and share

> how I and braedy found out that we are pregnant in the australian jungle
> how I feel being pregnant in bali 
> what we both naturally did to prepare for this chapter 
> what pregnancy taught me so far 

enjoy listening to this cozy episode about pregnancy and my transition into motherhood and let me know how it was for you 🥰

just search ‘in devotion to truth with loa’ on spotify or apple podcast or simply follow the link in my profile to listen to this episode. 

much much love 

xxxx Guiding people to their truth.
Is this your path?