no one else can find it for you.
your gifts. your uniqueness.
and a whole life to explore this.
your purpose.
your dharma.
your mission.
that only you can discover and fulfill.
and by fulfilling it, true fulfillment will find you.
what a miracle, isn't it?
by us contributing our goodness to the earth, goodness comes back to us.
just by the law of nature.
I worked with thousands of humans and guided many to their dharma.
The challenge that I see too often is that people mistake their profession, their skill as their purpose, as their souls mission.
I believe our souls mission is more complex and more unique than just another skill, another job, another training you accomplish.
I believe the mission of your soul is the deepest part of who you are. It is a mystery to be discovered. Hidden in the depth of your soul.
It is accessible for those who have the courage to listen deeply. and for those who are not afraid to share their light with the world.
It is the feeling of overflowing joy, overflowing creativity.
It is the feeling of true faith and deep meaning in challenging times.
It is the feeling of the whole universe supporting you in bringing out your goodness.
It is divine guidance in moments of doubt.
It is led by the heart, not by the mind.
It is inner peace of truly knowing who you are whilst always discovering who you are.

join me for volume 2 of nourished by truth
and bath in the frequency of truth, faith and love.
'the mission of your soul'
is for you if you wish to..
» cultivate a mindset of honoring and respecting your light and your mission like never before
» recenter yourself and find clarity on your journey of purpose
» connect with your natural gifts and talents
» attract your natural creativity and joy
» understand the complexity of your souls mission
» live a life of fulfillment, meaning and abundance

volume 2: the mission of your soul
live session from 23.09.23
9 – 11.30am cet
39,00 €
ancient wisdom waved into our modern lifes.
a holistic way to live in touch with truth.
a practice that inspires continuous growth and creative expansion.
in community.
with loa.